Dr. Catherine’s Academic Consulting
Offering academic and editing support, for college applications and beyond
Catherine MacGillivray, PhD, AMFT
Barnard College of Columbia University, AB in Women’s Studies with concentrations in Literature & Philosophy, graduated summa cum laude
University of Paris, Lîcence & Maîtrise in Lettres Modernes with a concentration in Etudes Féminines
UC-Berkeley, MA in Comparative Literature & PhD in French Literature
Antioch University, MA in Clinical Psychology
As a career academic who has taught at seven colleges and universities both big and small across the country, I am thoroughly familiar with all aspects of university life and protocols—particularly within the arts, the humanities, and the social sciences—including admissions, having spent four years running a graduate program in Women’s and Gender Studies. My interest in supporting young people to achieve their academic dreams began with my own college search many moons ago, and continued when I assisted my children on their journeys to success. Since that time, I have gone on to train as a Marriage and Family Therapist, and I am now pleased to offer my expertise, passion, and diverse skill set to you and your family. I hope that you will turn to me for support during what can be a complicated and challenging time for many families. Let me help you navigate the many hurdles, starting with making a list of school choices, moving on to completing your essays, and not forgetting to apply for financial aid and scholarships as needed. Contact me! I am here to offer appui. Apps? Oui!